May 9, 2012
For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303
Commends Winners of Last Year’s Outstanding State Employee Recognition Program
Madison–Governor Walker today declared State Employee Recognition Day and used the occasion to commend the winners of last year’s outstanding state employee recognition program. He also announced the program would continue for its second year.
“State employees do great work to serve their fellow citizens,” said Governor Walker. “We want to thank all state employees for their service and recognize those individuals who have gone above and beyond in their work.”
Last year’s program had three awards. One award was for outstanding customer service based on nominations from the public. Wisconsin residents were asked to nominate state employees who have impressed them with their outstanding service. The winner of the award was Sue Van Lanen at the Department of Workforce Development.
Another award was for outstanding innovation. For the outstanding innovation award state employees were asked to nominate colleagues who have demonstrated innovation, ingenuity, and creativity in problem-solving, efficiency, and cost-saving techniques. The winner of the award was Kathy Johnson at the Department of Health Services.
The third award was for ongoing dedication. This award is also peer nominated and seeks to honor the employee who consistently “goes the extra mile” to assist his or her colleagues. There were two winners of the award, Lori Grinwald at the Department of Corrections and Richard Clark at the Department of Workforce Development.
The recognition program will run for a second year. Nomination forms can be found at Nominations are due by June 30th and can be emailed to