Dollars & Uncommon Sense: Army veteran and certified financial planner creates financial bootcamp to “change the way you think” about money


Dear Mr. Hoffmann,

Most people use common sense when they make decisions about their money. Most people also live paycheck to paycheck, spend sleepless nights worrying about bills and debt, and fail to save enough for a comfortable retirement. If you are like most people, now is the time to change your financial future and start using uncommon sense.

Enter: Dollars & Uncommon Sense: Basic Training For Your Money, by Army veteran and Certified Financial Planner™ Steve Repak, who shows you how and why to use uncommon sense to get back on track financially. Just as in basic training, where a drill sergeant transforms ordinary recruits into soldiers ready for battle, Repak serves as your drill sergeant, preparing you to win your own financial.

After serving 12 years in the Army, Repak left the service with over $32,000 of credit card debt. Using his military background and experience as a Certified Financial Planner™, he was able to change his own finances by getting out of debt and building his savings using the same concepts he includes in his book.

“In basic training, recruits go through a process of mental and emotional retraining and learn fundamental skills so that they will be ready for anything,” says Repak. “Dollars & Uncommon Sense is the money equivalent: I will guide you through a process of mental and emotional retraining that will transform the way you think about money and give you the fundamental skills you need to build wealth.”

In a concise read that includes guided worksheets and links to useful websites, Dollars & Uncommon Sense is broken into four user-friendly, jargon-free sections:

  • Part 1 takes a look at the new thinking habits that are needed in order to become a successful builder of wealth and includes the 6 Key Traits of Wealth Builders based on how they think about money.

  • Part 2 teaches how to take control of your spending. The fundamental first step is to know where you are spending your money; if you don’t know where it is going, you’re still going to be broke.

  • Part 3 teaches why debt is so damaging and reveals the step-by-step process of becoming debt free once and for all.

  • Part 4 talks about how to get your money working for you by saving and investing it.

“’Change the way you think’ is not just some cute catchphrase I’ve used to get you to purchase the book,” adds Repak. “It is what you need to do in order to be prepared for the next financial battle. Open your mind and take the steps I outline, and you will have the tools and the outlook you need to transform your finances and your life.”

Please contact me to request a review copy of Dollars & Uncommon Sense. Steve Repak is also available for an interview (via phone or email).

Thank you,

Erin MacDonald-Birnbaum
856-489-8654 x302