Dept. of Transportation: Adopt-a-Highway crews keep roadways looking clean and green

Christa Wollenzien,
WisDOT Adopt-a-Highway coordinator

(608) 266-3943

Adopt-a-Highway crews keep roadways looking clean and green

Plenty of highway segments still available for adoption

Spring has sprung early, and many of Wisconsin’s volunteer Adopt-a-Highway (AAH) crews are springing into action, picking up a winter’s worth of unsightly trash along state highways. Along with helping keep our roadsides clean and green, Wisconsin’s dedicated AAH workers make the state an even more attractive destination for travelers while saving taxpayer dollars. Last year, Wisconsin AAH groups picked up over 156 tons of trash that was then disposed of by county highway crews.

“More and more, we count on the civic leadership of local groups and businesses to partner with us in keeping roadways looking neat throughout the spring, summer, and fall seasons,” said the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s (WisDOT’s) Christa Wollenzien who serves as Statewide Coordinator of the state’s AAH Program.

There are currently over 3,000 registered AAH groups in Wisconsin. AAH volunteers are typically assigned an approximately two-mile highway segment and are asked to make a “clean sweep” at least three times per year between April 1 and November 1. Currently, of the 11,800-miles of state and Interstate highways in Wisconsin, about 8,185 miles are “adopted” meaning over 3,600 miles of state roadways await adoption.

The process for adopting a highway is easy. Interested groups should identify a roadway segment they would like to adopt and then go to WisDOT’s web site ( to fill out an application. If the segment is suitable for adoption, it is assigned to the group. Groups do not work in dangerous areas like medians, bridges, or steep slopes.

WisDOT furnishes safety vests and “watch for worker” signs, a safety training video, trash bags, and two permanent signs identifying the group. Each group must provide one adult supervisor for every five or six volunteers, and all volunteers must be at least 11 years of age or in the 6th grade to work along two-lane highways; 16 to work along multi-lane highways.

“Our Adopt-a-Highway volunteers and county highway department workers do a great job and we truly appreciate their efforts,” Wollenzien said. “Motorists can do their part by staying alert, slowing down and giving the workers a little extra safety cushion when volunteers are cleaning along roadways.”

WisDOT offers the following tips for AAH volunteers:

· Display the “highway worker” signs at both ends of your adopted highway segment to alert motorists to your presence.

· Wear appropriate clothing including heavy gloves, sturdy footwear and safety vests.

· Don’t get too close to roadway pavement or shoulders and stay away from highway medians, steep slopes and bridges.

· Don’t pick up anything you can’t identify, including bottles containing unknown liquids. Potentially hazardous items should be marked with a flag.

· Ensure that someone is carrying a cell phone. In case of an emergency, or to report anything illegal or suspicious, contact law enforcement.