DATCP: Memorial Day weekend needs Wisconsin specialty meats

Contact: Ashley Huibregtse, 608-224-5002, ashley.huibregtse@wisconsin.gov
Jim Dick, Communications Director, 608-224-5020, jim.dick@wi.gov

MADISON – For many, Memorial Day weekend includes a grill out, brat fry, barbeque, fry out – or whatever you call this tradition with family and friends in your part of the state. When you fire up the gas grill or get out the charcoal this Memorial Day weekend, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) reminds you to use Wisconsin specialty meats.

“Wisconsin is home to hundreds of main street state-inspected and federally-inspected meat shops that offer high-quality and unique products,” said Mike Powers, the Agricultural Development Division Administrator. “Consumers can visit the online Specialty Meats Map available at http://datcpgis.wi.gov/SpecialtyMeats to locate and support neighborhood meat businesses.”

The Specialty Meats Map is recently updated and lists over 200 specialty meat establishments located across the state. Users can sort the meat establishments by county, city, product description, product type or business name.

Once you identify a meat establishment, the location is shown on the interactive map. The address, contact information, website, services and products are listed for your convenience. If you want to print the information to take with you, you can create a report that is easy to print.

“I encourage people to take the time to visit their local meat processor and learn more about their specialty and what is available,” added Jeff Swenson, DATCP’s Livestock and Meat Specialist. “I am confident you will be impressed with how helpful the person behind the counter is and how wonderful the products are.”

The Specialty Meats Map was created last year as part of the Wisconsin Specialty Meat Initiative. The Wisconsin Specialty Meat Initiative continues the legacy of our state’s sausage and cured meat makers by promoting the quality, taste and tradition of Wisconsin’s specialty meats.

“Search on the map for a unique brat, your favorite hot dog or fresh marinated chicken to put on the grill. If you are traveling this Memorial Day weekend, some meat processors have jerky or snack sticks available to make the car ride go faster,” said Swenson. “From your deli meats every day to your grilling meats this holiday weekend, remember to choose Wisconsin’s specialty products.”

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