Contact: Ashley Huibregtse, 608-224-5002,
Jim Dick, Communications Director, 608-224-5020,
MADISON – Time is running out for dairy farmers to apply for the Dairy 30×20 Initiative’s Grow Wisconsin Dairy Producer Grants. For consideration in this funding cycle, grant applications must be received at the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) by May 7.
Grow Wisconsin Dairy Producer Grants support Wisconsin dairy farms by assisting with operational changes that could lead to improved profitability. The grants offer technical assistance that is customizable to the needs of the individual farm. Grow Wisconsin Dairy Producer Grants are one tool of the state’s new Dairy 30×20 Initiative, which sets a goal of achieving an annual milk production of 30 billion pounds of milk by 2020 to meet the growing demand of the marketplace.
Recipients of grant funds will be able to hire consultants and build a team of experts with the expertise needed to address specific business needs on their operation. Grants will be given up to $5,000. Cost share payments by the farmer are required at 20% of the grant amount. There are two types of grants available: Planning & Preparation Teams and Dairy Profit Teams.
Planning & Preparation Team grants will be applied towards business development and expansion needs. This may include business planning, financial analysis, transition planning or professional services costs related to dairy farm modernization and expansion.
Dairy Profit Team grants will allow a farmer to develop an on-farm management team to assist with improving management of existing operations or identify opportunities to improve profit. Topics may include implementation of new technology, farm growth, financial success, long-term sustainability and production enhancing measures.
A grant request for proposals for the Grow Wisconsin Dairy Producer Grants includes a one-page pre-application that asks for contact information, farm description, business goals and project area(s) of focus. To access the grant application materials, visit
You can also contact the Grow Wisconsin Dairy Team by calling toll-free 1-855-WIDAIRY (943-2479) or emailing Connect with DATCP on Twitter at or Facebook at