Contact: Laurie Fischer
Executive Director
Phone: 920.425.3079
Green Bay, Wisconsin — The Dairy Business Association (DBA) Board of Directors unanimously voted to oppose the Senate version of the 2012 Farm Bill released last Friday by the Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow and Ranking Member Pat Roberts. DBA has been vocal in their opposition of the supply control mechanism contained in the Dairy Security Act, which has been included in the 2012 Farm Bill proposal.
Dairy processors purposely locate in areas where there is a consistent supply of milk. Any governmental interference in maintaining that consistent supply of milk will harm Wisconsin’s dairy industry; directly contradicting programs Wisconsin has recently implemented to increase milk production. Wisconsin’s dairy industry contributes over $26.5 billion in economic activity and employs over 146,000 residents each year. Interference with this industry will have magnifying negative impacts to Wisconsin’s economy.
Supply control policies will cap the success dairy producers could achieve in our industry. It doesn’t make sense to slow milk production when citizens in this country and around the world are going hungry. Right now, the U.S. dairy industry is positioned to meet the predicted global increase in demand for dairy products. Supply control policies will not allow the U.S. to consistently participate in the global dairy markets.
The draft farm bill must remove all language referring to “market stabilization” to ensure the long-term success of Wisconsin’s dairy industry and that our dairy farmers remain a vital part of our economy.
The DBA Board of Directors believes there are better alternative policies that will help dairy producers and still let market prices work while encouraging growth and success in our industry. DBA is actively studying these options and look forward to improve dairy policies in the 2012 Farm Bill.
About DBA
The Dairy Business Association is an industry organization comprised of dairy producers, corporate and allied industry supporters. DBA promotes the growth and success of all dairy farms in Wisconsin by fostering a positive business and political environment. For more information about DBA, please visit our website at