Contact: Bill McCoshen
Executive Director
Competitive Wisconsin, Inc.
608) 258-8411
Competitive Wisconsin: Welcomes CEO magazine ranking
MILWAUKEE – Competitive Wisconsin, Inc. today applauded CEO Magazine’s announcement that it newest rankings of the states improves Wisconsin’s ranking from the 24th to the 20th best state to do business in.
“When we released our Be Bold Wisconsin recommendations for economic development in 2010, Wisconsin ranked 42nd out of the 50 states and a number of people thought our goal of making Wisconsin a top 10 state to start, grow or relocate business was a real stretch. Now, that goal is clearly within reach,” said Scott VanderSanden, president of Competitive Wisconsin and president of AT&T Wisconsin.
“We believe the Be Bold Wisconsin recommendations implemented by Gov. Walker and the Legislature played a role in CEO Magazine’s decision to up-grade their ranking of our state as a good place to do business. We also believe that the great work being done by the regional economic development groups around the state was a critical factor,” said Bill McCoshen, executive director of Competitive Wisconsin and former Commerce Secretary. “The bottom line on the new ranking is that it’s very good news for Wisconsin workers, businesses and taxpayers and lots of people and organizations should take a moment to celebrate their role in making it happen.”
Competitive Wisconsin, Inc. is a nonpartisan public policy organization consisting of business, labor, education and agriculture leaders in Wisconsin who work together to focus attention on the state’s competitiveness. The organization was founded in 1981 and produced the game-changing Be Bold Wisconsin economic development plan in 2010.