Judi Murphy, Sr. VP
Murphy Associates
P: 262-786-7424
Random Lake, WI – May 30, 2012 – ChristPond Retreat Center has scheduled its annual Pancake Breakfast and Outdoor Worship Service for Sunday, June 24, 2012. The outdoor worship service begins at 10:00 a.m. with the pancake breakfast immediately following. ChristPond Retreat Center is located at N1599 State Highway 57, Random Lake, WI (just 3 miles north of Random Lake).
ChristPond Executive Director, Daniel Thurmer, said, “the Pancake Breakfast is normally the Sunday following Father’s Day each year. ChristPond was founded 30 years ago, and has a long tradition of providing an excellent setting for SE Wisconsin organizations to gather for both quiet and active retreats, giving shape to personal lives as well as organizational planning.”
Tickets for this benefit breakfast can be purchased on-site the day of the event, and are $8.00 adults; $5.00 children; under 5 free; $25.00 family rate. The menu includes pancakes, ham, fruit, juice, coffee and pastry. The benefit breakfast and service offerings assist in the care of the beautiful facility made available to the ecumenical community and non-profit organizations to conduct retreats in a setting conducive for spiritual renewal. Free golf cart tours of the grounds will be available to see the 100-acre site.
The Annual Pancake Breakfast is an opportunity for friends and supporters of ChristPond to gather for this benefit event and worship service. Special music will be a feature of the service. Anyone interested in singing in the ChristPond Singers Choir should arrive at 9:15 a.m. for rehearsal.
An ecumenical worship service and Holy Communion is offered once a month on the third Sunday and is open to anyone wishing to attend. Come as you are – dress is usually casual. Coffee and treats follow the service.
For additional information on the pancake breakfast, please contact Mary Ann Thurmer at 414-254-9552. For information on scheduling a retreat at ChristPond visit or call reservation services at (715) 823-9150.