Media Contact: Mary Fanning-Penny (608)458-6250
Grant applications accepted online; first deadline is January 15, 2012
MADISON, WI – January 3, 2012 – The Alliant Energy Foundation has a proud tradition of giving back and making a difference in the communities we serve through numerous avenues of support. Since 1998, the Foundation has contributed more than $36 million to innovative projects and organizations.
In 2011, the Alliant Energy Foundation provided more than 727 grants, totaling over $1,044,000. The Community Grants Program focuses on contributing to a wide range of programs aimed at improving the quality of community life. Grants are awarded to support specific initiatives that address community needs and benefit a large number of people in five primary areas of giving: human needs, education, culture and art, civic, and the environment.
In the third of three grant cycles in 2011, the Foundation contributed $95,442 to 66 non-profit organizations throughout Alliant Energy’s Wisconsin service territory. The grants ranged from $300 to $3,600 and were given to help fund a variety of community-based initiatives.
“We are thrilled to be able to support hundreds of organizations again this year through our Foundation programs,” said Julie Bauer, Alliant Energy Foundation Executive Director. “We continue to see a great deal of opportunity throughout our territory and we are proud that our assistance helps make such a significant impact in our communities.”
The Alliant Energy Foundation offers an online application process for the Community Grants Program, which provides enhanced communication options with our grant seekers. There are three grant cycles annually and the application deadlines for consideration in upcoming cycles are January 15, May 15 and September 15, 2012. Organizations may review eligibility guidelines and apply for a Community Grant online at