ActionCOACH of Elm Grove: University of Wisconsin-Parkside grows through Coaching for a Cause

Judi Murphy, Sr. VP

Murphy Associates
P: 262-786-7424

ActionCOACH Jim Palzewicz helps university build impact in community.

Elm Grove, WI – April 2, 2012 – When the University of Wisconsin-Parkside decided it needed a boost in a number of areas, including fund raising, Chancellor Deborah L. Ford turned to ActionCOACH of Elm Grove Business Coach Jim Palzewicz and the firm’s Coaching for a Cause Program.

Coaching for a Cause is a far-reaching, global pro-bono coaching program that helps non-profits and charities increase their top-level goals and better manage their funds through a simple pledge system. The program brings the proven and systemized business-building methodology ActionCOACH uses to help for-profit business owners to non-profit entities.

“Over the past months, Jim has pushed me outside of my comfort zone, has challenged me to think about short- and long-term goals, inspired me to reflect on my goals and daily actions, and taught me how enhanced focus leads to better results,” Ford said.

Palzewicz has worked closely with Ford and her team and has seen positive results that will strengthen UW-Parkside’s position in the communities it serves, and in the University of Wisconsin System.

“I’m so impressed with Debbie’s commitment to growing her leadership abilities,” Palzewicz said. “She really took coaching to heart to better achieve the vision, mission and goals of UW-Parkside.”

As with any local university, one very important need is fund raising and Ford has seen a positive impact working with Palzewicz. “Fund raising has been a major focus for us,” she said. “In 2011, with the assistance of Jim and ActionCOACH of Elm Grove, our University Advancement team doubled the amount of alumni gifts to the university over 2010.”

ActionCOACH of Elm Grove is the local home of ActionCOACHes Jim Palzewicz, Tom Palzewicz, Chris Carman, and Chris Penasa. To learn more, call 262-790-1213 or go to

ActionCOACH is the world’s number one business coaching and executive consulting firm, with more than 1,000 offices in 39 countries. To learn more, go to