WI Sustainable Business Council
Tom Eggert
Executive Director
608 267-2761
MSI General Corporation
Donald J. Frost, Jr. AIA, VP Design
Green builders in Wisconsin are on the Path to Sustainability
MSI General is one of the first Wisconsin firms to earn Green Professional status under the WI Sustainable Business Council’s Green Masters Program. As a Green Professional, MSI has performed actions in each of nine “sustainability areas” and has scored more than 100 points.
“MSI General has gained recognition for their work in the green building sector” says Tom Eggert, Executive Director of the WI Sustainable Business Council, “so it’s great to see them incorporate the principles of sustainability into their day to day operations.” MSI General is a member of the Wisconsin Green Building Alliance and has eight LEED Accredited Professionals. Currently, over 90% of construction waste from their projects is diverted from land fills to be recycled.
MSI General has improved the efficiency of their building by upgrading lighting to energy efficient fixtures, installing occupancy sensors and re-lamping light fixtures with energy efficient florescent lamps. They expect less than a 2 year pay-back on their investment.
Don Frost, VP Design says that “MSI General is proud to be selected as a Green Professional. We feel that it is important to show how we have put into practice what we are trying to encourage our customers to implement on their projects“
The Green Apprentice designation is the third highest tier in the Green Masters Program established by the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council. Candidates are judged on a comprehensive range of sustainability issues from energy and natural resource use to education outreach and purchasing. 60 Wisconsin businesses have participated in the program where the top twenty percent achieve the highest “Green Master” designation.