UW Whitewater: Hosts summer institute for educators

Educators looking for ways to promote good behavior by students this fall can get a jump start this summer.

The 2011 Summer Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is being offered to general education teachers, special education teachers and other professionals. The institute is designed for people who use or plan to use an approach called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support in their schools or in community settings.

“PBIS is a process that teachers and schools use to increase appropriate student behavior using data on the success of behavior management and intervention strategies,” said Amy Griffith, Summer Institute coordinator and associate professor of special education at UW-Whitewater.

The institute provides a three-part program that covers topics like using the approach in elementary and secondary schools, progress monitoring and educational law. Kathleen Lynne Lane, associate professor in the Department of Special Education at Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn., will lead the program.

The institute takes place Aug. 3-4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will be held in the ballroom of the James R. Connor University Center. Cost for attending is $200 for non-credit participants. Course credit for graduates and undergraduates is available for additional fees and includes sessions held before and after the institute.

For more information and to register online go to http://www.uww.edu/conteduc/camps/otherevents/summerinstitute.php