Bill Rubin/Jacki Bradham
St. Croix EDC
Most Towns, Villages and Cities Have Double-Digit Increases; Some Have Triple-Digit Gains
Earlier this month, the U.S. Census Bureau released its 2010 population estimates for Wisconsin’s 72 counties. Growth over a 10-year period in towns, villages and cities helped make St. Croix the state’s fastest-growing county.
“St. Croix’s close proximity to the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area is a catalyst for this growth,” said William Rubin, executive director of St. Croix Economic Development Corporation. “The landscape in St. Croix is not dominated by one major community. In reality, residents have choices that include rural living or small villages and cities. Combined, the growth in towns, villages and cities over the last decade makes St. Croix County a preferred location on the fringe of a metro market.”
Preliminary estimates from the Census Bureau show that the Town of Hammond grew by 122 percent (a population increase of 1,155 residents from 2000-2010). The Town of Richmond added 1,716 residents over the 10-year period for an increase of 110.3 percent. The population in the Town of Somerset increased by 52.6 percent through the addition of 1,392 new residents.
The fastest-growing village in St. Croix County is Roberts, which added 682 residents for an increase of 70.4 percent. Roberts was followed by the Village of Somerset (1,079 new residents, or an increase of 69.3%) and the Village of Hammond (769 new residents, or an increase of 66.7%). Spring Valley is located in both St. Croix and Pierce counties. The St. Croix County portion of Spring Valley grew from two to six residents between 2000-2010, for a 200 percent increase. Overall, Spring Valley added 163 residents for an increase of 13.7 percent.
The City of Hudson grew by 44.9 percent and added 3,944 new residents from 2000 to 2010. New Richmond added 2,065 new residents for an increase of 32.7 percent. Like Spring Valley, the City of River Falls is located in St. Croix and Pierce counties. Overall, River Falls added 2,440 residents during the last decade for a 19.4 percent increase. The St. Croix County portion of River Falls added 831 new residents for an increase of 35.8 percent.
Three communities, the Town of Stanton and the Villages of Deer Park and Star Prairie, lost population during the last decade. Stanton’s population declined by 103 residents, and lost 10.3 percent of its population. Deer Park lost 11 residents (-4.8%) and Star Prairie lost 13 residents (-2.3%).
St. Croix County, located in west central Wisconsin along the state’s border with Minnesota, added 21,190 new residents over the 10-year period, for an increase of 33.6 percent. St. Croix’s 2010 population is estimated at 84,345 compared to 63,155 in 2000.
For a table that includes percentage and numeric increases of towns, villages and cities in St. Croix County, go to