Ruekert/Mielke: CEO William Mielke receives national award

Waukesha, WI –For only the second time an individual received the national private sector Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) award handed out by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and the American Council of Engineering (ACEC). William Mielke, CEO and President of Wisconsin based Ruekert/Mielke, a multi-disciplinary civil engineering firm, was presented with the award in Las Vegas, NV at the American Council of Engineering Companies Annual conference in November.

Involved in local business and engineering for more than 40 years, Mielke founded the QBS section of the Wisconsin Association of Consulting Engineers and served as chairman. After much success in Wisconsin, he founded a national grant program which assists communities in selecting the most qualified engineers for their projects.

“Communities, and ultimately the public, are best served when the engineers are selected based on their experience and qualifications.” states Mielke.

The ACEC-NSPE QBS awards program was designed to recognize both governmental and private entities that make exemplary use of the QBS selection process. The two organizations determine the winners together and alternate hosting the awards program.

About Ruekert/Mielke

For more than 65 years, Ruekert/Mielke has provided engineering solutions for a working world, maintaining a reputation as one of the top civil engineering firms in the Upper Midwest. The firm puts the best interests of their clients first so that projects, studies, planning and financial advice serve communities now and well into the future.

Ruekert/Mielke’s mission is to understand and respond to client’s needs through personalized and timely, cost-effective solutions. Our long-term relationships with clients have made us the firm we are today; it is their support and trust that allows Ruekert/Mielke to remain dedicated to providing innovative engineering solutions for communities.

For More Information Contact:

Sarah Meekma

Marketing Coordinator

(262) 953-3003