Madison Gas and Electric: ‘2011 Greater Madison Area Directory of High-Tech Companies’ available

Madison, Wis., May 12, 2011—Dane County’s high-tech companies added approximately 500 jobs in 2010 over the prior year. Since 2006, the area’s total number of companies in the high-tech sector increased from 510 to 610, or 4% per year. These findings, part of a recent survey conducted by Madison Gas and Electric (MGE), are found in the 2011 Greater Madison Wisconsin Area Directory of High-Tech Companies.

The directory lists more than 600 firms (493 high-tech businesses profiled in the directory) with reported combined revenues of more than $6.5 billion. During the last five years, the survey found high-tech employment has grown by approximately 3,000, or 11%, and the number of high-tech firms grew by nearly 20% for the same period (2006 through 2010).

To order a hard copy or an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the directory, go to or send your request and $50 payment to:

Jim Mohrbacher
Madison Gas and Electric Co.
P.O. Box 1231
Madison, WI 53701-1231

MGE generates and distributes electricity to 139,000 customers in Dane County, Wis., and purchases and distributes natural gas to 143,000 customers in seven south-central and western Wisconsin counties. MGE’s parent company is MGE Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: MGEE). The company’s roots in the Madison area date back more than 150 years.

Stephen R. Kraus

Manager – Media Relations

Madison Gas and Electric Co.


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