Contact: Jeanne Tarantino 608.266.3516
Reporters invited for responses to Small Business Roundtable
Madison – Reporters are invited to preview the results of a roundtable discussion between small business leaders and state officials.
Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch will come to Randy Stofferahn’s Pizza Ranch in Eau Claire on Thursday, March 3 to lead a Small Business Roundtable discussion. She will meet with representatives from the small business community to hear how they believe small businesses can move the economy forward and create jobs for Wisconsin workers, and how the state can support job creation.
Reporters are invited to the Pizza Ranch, 2451 Truax Blvd, Eau Claire, at 1:15 p.m. immediately following the roundtable discussion. Kleefisch and employers will talk to reporters about what they heard and what they expect to happen next.