Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303
Madison – Governor Scott Walker signed Assembly Bill 2 into law today which increases the number of enterprise zones the Department of Commerce may designate from 12 to 20.
“This is another important step in the process of allowing the private sector to create 250,000 jobs by 2015,” Governor Walker said. “By nearly doubling the amount of enterprise zones in Wisconsin we will make our state more attractive to potential employers who are looking to relocate to a more pro-business, pro-jobs environment. I thank Senator Pam Galloway and Representative Roger Rivard for their leadership on this issue, and I thank members of the Legislature for acting in a bipartisan manner to send this job-creation bill to my desk.”
Enterprise zones are used to attract and retain businesses in Wisconsin by offering tax incentives to firms that locate within the zones. In addition to creating eight more enterprise zones, this law stipulates that at least three zones must be in rural areas with populations fewer than 5,000 and at least two zones must be in areas with populations greater than 5,000 but no more than 30,000 people.