Gov. Walker: Announces additional steps to improve employment services for veterans through DWD Job Center Hotline

Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

DWD: John Dipko: 608-266-6753

Call Center staff can more quickly connect veterans to local services, providers

MADISON – Governor Scott Walker and Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Secretary Scott Baumbach today urged veterans seeking new employment opportunities, to call the DWD Job Center Toll Free Number, 1-888-258-9966, to establish a direct link with DWD specialists who can help them find work.

“Our veterans are American heroes to whom we owe an enormous debt of gratitude,” said Governor Scott Walker. “When they are finished answering the call of service, we encourage them to call our Job Center Hotline so we can help them find employment. Employers who have job openings and want to hire veterans should call the number, too, and we’ll work to help them find the veterans with the necessary job skills. Our service men and women have outstanding work and leadership abilities that would be an asset to many businesses.”

To help employers and job seekers connect, DWD has joined with its partners in sponsoring job fairs throughout the year, including 14 for veterans in particular. More than 35 employers with 700 jobs to fill are registered for a job fair today at the Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Milwaukee.

“Since the September 11 terrorist attacks on our nation a decade ago, many brave men and women from Wisconsin answered the call to protect our nation,” Secretary Baumbach said. “At the Department of Workforce Development, we are ready to answer the calls of those returning from service in search of work. We are ready to assist all veterans.”

Veterans who call the toll free number and identify themselves as veterans will be connected promptly or referred to the appropriate employment services, including to the DWD Veterans Services staff. These employees, all disabled veterans, provide employment and training services to veterans, including about 8,800 last year alone. The call center, operated by DWD’s Job Service Bureau, is also available to help employers and other jobseekers throughout Wisconsin.

“Since Governor Walker took office, Wisconsin’s business climate has improved,” Secretary Baumbach said. “Wisconsin has added 28,700 private sector jobs so far this year. The manufacturing sector alone has added 15,000 jobs, the largest year-to-date gain since 1994. Employers are optimistic, they are hiring, and many want to hire veterans.”

Secretary Baumbach cited record job openings posted on, the DWD online employment that is marking its third anniversary as part of Workforce Development Month. In recent weeks, job openings on the free site have surpassed 34,000. The site also has more than 27,000 job seeker resumes. Additionally, when posting openings, employers can indicate their willingness to prefer veterans.

The Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs (DMA) is one of DWD’s partners in sponsoring job fairs for veterans. According to DMA, about 14,000 members of the Wisconsin Army and Air National Guard have been deployed in support of the global war on terror since 9/11, including many who have been deployed more than once.

For more information about services for veterans:

For a list of all Job Fairs, including those for veterans: