Dawn Kearney
The Fisher-Barton Group
WATERTOWN, Wis., July 28, 2011 – The Fisher-Barton Group, the worlds’ leading manufacturer of lawn mower blades and other parts and components from a broad range of materials, will host a grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for its new $2-million, state-of- the-art materials research laboratory in Watertown, Wis. The event will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 2, at 10 a.m. at Fisher-Barton Specialty Products Inc., which houses the lab.
Fisher-Barton’s new lab, which serves all of the company’s seven independent subsidiaries, houses the most up-to-date instruments for the microscopic, chemical and mechanical analysis of metals and other materials. This comprehensive array of testing capabilities is virtually impossible to find elsewhere in the industry. Fisher-Barton has built a 40-year tradition of research and innovation. The new lab was designed to support even greater product and process innovations that use a much wider range of materials than previously possible, making product and process problem-solving for the company’s customers easier, less time-consuming and more cost-effective.
Details of Fisher-Barton Materials Research Lab Grand Opening
Where: Fisher-Barton Specialty Products Inc. 1040 S. 12th St. Watertown, Wis. 920-261-0131
When: Tuesday, Aug. 2 – 10 a.m.
What: Company officials and state and local dignitaries including Senator Scott Fitzgerald, Watertown Mayor Ron Krueger, Kim Erdmann-Watertown Chamber of Commerce Executive Director and Dennis Heling- Executive Director of the Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium will participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony and lab tour to mark the grand opening of Fisher-Barton’s $2- million materials research lab.
Who: Dick Wilkey, CEO and founder of The Fisher-Barton Group of companies Greg Wilkey, President of The Fisher-Barton Group of companies The event is open to the media.
Visuals: Opportunities to obtain b-roll and still photographs will be available in the lab. Select instruments, including a scanning electron microscope that is used in combination with X-ray technology and produces 3-D images, will be in operation. Company officials will be on hand to provide information about each of the instruments that will be running during the event.