Contact(s): Kristy Rogers (608) 266-9254
MADISON – Public comments are accepted until Oct. 31, 2011, on three proposed water use permits that would be available for industry, agriculture, and other operations in the Great Lakes basin that use large volumes of water.
The Department of Natural Resources is proposing to create the general permits to meet new state legal requirements stemming from the Great Lakes Compact. The Great Lakes Compact is a contract among the eight Great Lakes states to cooperatively sustain and protect the waters of the basin.
Starting Dec. 8, 2011, water users located in the Great Lakes basin that withdraw 100,000 gallons per day or more must have a water use permit. A general permit offers eligible water users that meet the standards and conditions a quicker, more streamlined process than applying for an individually tailored permit.
The three new General Permits will be available for water withdrawals that are 100,000 gallons per day or more averaged over 30 days but less than 1 million gallons per day for 30 consecutive days.
The three types of general permits available for review are 1) existing withdrawals, 2) new withdrawals, and 3) temporary withdrawals for construction dewatering. A withdrawal is defined as the taking of water from surface water or groundwater. Water may be withdrawn through a well, intake pipe, ditch or other means.
DNR staff will review all comments before finalizing the general permits in late November. Existing water users that are registered with DNR will automatically receive a water use permit before Dec. 8, 2011.
For copies of the general permits and for more information visit or contact the Water Use Program at 608-266-2299 or