Dept. of Commerce: Export Development Bureau gains high marks from customers

Contact: Tony Hozeny, Department of Commerce, 608/267-9661

MADISON—Nearly 90 percent of the exporters using services from the Bureau of Export Development in the Department of Commerce (Commerce) reported they were very satisfied or satisfied with the help they received, Commerce Secretary Paul Jadin announced today.

“In today’s economic landscape, companies must adopt a global strategy to achieve long-term growth,” said Secretary Jadin. “U.S. exports to China, Brazil, and India have been increasing rapidly during the last decade, doubling in size between 2003 and 2008. Commerce can help Wisconsin companies begin or expand an export initiative and identify opportunities in global markets.”

The Bureau of Export Development (Bureau) has surveyed its clients for many years. In December 2010, staff conducted a four-question anonymous survey of customers who had contacted and/or received service from the Bureau during the previous 18 months. The survey achieved a 27- percent response rate. When asked to rate their satisfaction with the services received from the Bureau, 86 percent were “Very satisfied” or “Satisfied.”

When asked about the anticipated sales resulting from work with the Export Bureau, respondents reported new business worth more than $84 million.

The Bureau’s goal is to help firms increase their export sales so they maintain and expand their workforce in Wisconsin. The broad range of services offered by the Bureau is flexible in order to meet the differing needs of Wisconsin’s business community, taking into consideration the varied levels of international experience, product characteristics, and markets being targeted. Bureau staff work with manufacturers and service providers in sectors such as life sciences, water technology environmental equipment, industrial machinery, and high-precision scientific instruments, among others.

For more information about Bureau services and assistance in markets around the world, contact the Department of Commerce Export Development Manager in your part of the state