Contact: Joshua Morby (414) 791-9120
Racine, Wis. – Governor Scott Walker announced on Thursday that DeltaHawk Engines, Inc. would receive two low interest loans totaling $720,000. The funds will be used for the expansion of the company’s manufacturing facilities in Racine.
The company, which manufactures a family of 2 – 12 cylinder engines for the general aviation industry and currently employs 25 people, expects to grow to employ over 100 people over the next three years.
The loans, provided through the State Energy Program and the Department of Commerce, will be used for costs associated with the start-up of assembly operations.
“Manufacturing is a cornerstone of the Wisconsin economy, and will be a key element in driving our overall recovery efforts,” Governor Walker said. “I am pleased that we could help DeltaHawk generate jobs and new investment.”
“We’re excited about the opportunity to expand our operations based on the substantial interest in our technology and growth in orders from both companies and individuals, in the U.S. and from around the world,” said Dennis Webb, President of DeltaHawk. “As we transition from Research and Development into production, it is a very exciting time for DeltaHawk and we are excited about the support of Governor Walker.
“We’re excited about the role our company plays in the international movement to improve fuel efficiency for the aviation industry, develop engines capable of running on biofuel, and create new jobs,” said Webb.
Founded in 1996, DeltaHawk Engines, Inc. is a manufacturer of innovative, lightweight, fuel-efficient engines for the commercial and general aviation industry. For more information, please visit