Testimonials tell the story …
Happy clients are happy to talk!
It’s not enough for you to be good in business today.Your appearance also has to be good. Great, actually. I’m talking not just about what you’re wearing when you meet clients and prospects, but the appearance of your 24-hour marketing machine – your website!
Cathy Gawlik and Dawn Zak at Way of the Willow know this, so they hired Dean Group Media to revamp the look, feel and navigability of their website, as well as have heart-to-heart talks with their clients to produce a series of highly effective online video testimonials. What we learned was amazing. Cathy and Dawn are help people through the good times and bad times of their lives, by listening and talking. They’ve helped hundreds of people just like you and me discover how to overcome the difficulties of caring for themselves in a world where we all have so much else to worry about.
Way of the Willow has become one of the most effective and respected certified mental health clinics in southeast Wisconsin. Just ask Cathy and Dawn’s clients, by visiting their new website and viewing their heartfelt testimonials. Not only are they testimonials from the heart, they are testimonials that work, a result of our unique, award-winning interview techniques.
“Clients are referred by someone, they go to the website and then call,” says Cathy, who adds customers have found the site inviting, telling them it has “great design, easy navigation, and informative testimonials.”
“People find it not only beautiful but clear in terms of who we are and what we are doing,” says Dawn. “People have found it easy to register, and we’ve found it easy to add (content) via Contribute.” Contribute is an easy-to-use Adobe software application that allows Cathy and Dawn to update their site content themselves. At Dean Group Media, we Contribute-enable every site we build.
How great is your organization? Is your website telling your visitors what they need to know to become your customers? If it’s not, call us. If you’re not sure, call. Whether your site’s on-target, needs a slight tune-up or a major overhaul, we’re happy to help. When it comes to a website, it’s about results. Just ask Cathy and Dawn.
Want more information? Click info@deangroup.com or call 262-238-8740. We’ll be happy to tell you how simple this can be, how cost effective it is, and show you some examples.
Dennis Dean is an award-winning former television reporter, Emmy-winning journalist and managing partner of Dean Group Media. Contact him at dennis@deangroup.com.