Contact: Ashley Huibregtse, 608-224-5002,
Jim Dick, Communications Director, 608-224-5020,
MADISON – The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has released the agricultural export highlights from January through September 2011, and they continue to be a bright spot in today’s economy.
Through the first three quarters of this year, Wisconsin has exported $2.1 billion worth of agricultural products. That’s a 24-percent increase over the same period in 2010.
The state’s previous nine month record was set from January through September 2010 at $1.7 billion for agricultural exports. Wisconsin ranks 17th in the nation for agricultural exports.
Through September 2011, Wisconsin led the nation in the export of the following products: mixes and dough for the preparation of bakery products, bovine semen, canned sweet corn, yeast and baking powders, flaxseed, and ginseng roots. In the first three quarters of this year, Wisconsin ranked second in the nation in the export of: cheese, mink fur skins, beer, and baby formulas.
Wisconsin sold to over 140 countries during the first three quarters of 2011. The top five markets for Wisconsin agricultural exports are: Canada, Mexico, South Korea, China, and Japan. The top four markets experienced double-digit growth.
The top five agricultural export markets for Wisconsin during the first three quarters of 2011 are:
Country – Value – Export Growth
Canada – $1 billion – 44%
Mexico – $150 million – 12%
South Korea – $93 million – 36%
China – $79 million – 32%
Japan – $74 million – 2%
Cereal grains continue to be the most valuable agricultural export for Wisconsin. Cereal includes rice, wheat, oats, barley, and corn. Cereal exports in the first three quarters of 2011 had a value of $287 million.
The second highest valued Wisconsin agricultural export through September 2011 is beverages, with 169-percent growth. This group includes denatured ethyl alcohol, beer, and nonalcoholic beverages.
Miscellaneous food, including ingredients, sauces, yeasts, soups, and mustards, is the third highest ag export through September 2011 valued at $183 million with 23-percent growth. Dairy, eggs, and honey are the fourth highest ag export for this period valued at $168 million, a 4-percent increase.
Baking-related exports round out the top five ag exports with a value of $160 million, an 18-percent increase. Baking-related exports include malt extract, mixes, doughs, pastry, and bread mixes.
Recently ratified trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea have created new opportunities for agricultural exporters to expand international sales and create jobs. Trade expansion benefits families and businesses by: supporting more productive and higher paying jobs, expanding the variety of products available for purchase, encouraging investment and more rapid economic growth, and keeping our economy open, dynamic, and competitive.
Every dollar of exports creates another $1.40 in supporting activities to process, package, finance, and ship agricultural products. These exports support approximately one million jobs in the United States both on and off the farm. One of every three acres in the nation in planted for export.
The Wisconsin International Trade Team at DATCP offers international business counseling, education, and market research. To learn more, visit, call 800-462-5237, or email