Media Contact: Heather Van Vugt Ramirez
(414) -384-7900, x 34
District Attorney Chisholm to speak at event supporting bilingual legal services, education programs
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – February 15, 2011 – Centro Legal is celebrating its 20th anniversary with its Annual Luncheon on March 1. The luncheon helps support Centro Legal’s bilingual legal services and education programs. Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm will provide the keynote address.
“The Annual Luncheon provides the public with an opportunity to learn about Centro Legal’s services and highlights the importance of fair legal representation for individuals with limited means,” said Noah Domnitz, event chairman. “We are honored to have as our keynote speaker District Attorney John Chisholm, who strives daily to improve access to justice while promoting overall public peace and safety.”
The luncheon is set for 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 1 at the Italian Community Center, 631 East Chicago St. The event will begin with a networking reception followed by a program promptly beginning at noon. This year’s program will recap Centro Legal’s 2010 accomplishments and outline its plan to continue serving Milwaukee’s low-income families. The event also will highlight the 20 years of service provided by Centro Legal. Event registration is $30 per person and $500 per table (8 guests per table).
“The Annual Luncheon celebrates our 20th year serving local families by ensuring their access to legal representation,” said Executive Director Heather Ramirez. “The community’s strong support has been the fuel behind our success. Their generosity has allowed us to help thousands of people over the past two decades.”
For more information, or to register for the event, please visit:
For sponsorships or donations, please contact Heather Ramirez, Executive Director at
About Centro Legal
Founded in 1991, Centro Legal provides affordable legal representation in family law and criminal misdemeanors to Milwaukee families so they may maintain stable homes and remain employed in the face of legal difficulties. For more information or to make a donation, please visit