Contact: Al Cooper (608) 243-4697
Is your business aware of all the opportunities that government procurement has to offer? Waukesha County Area Technical College is hosting a seminar that will help area businesses learn how to effectively compete for contracts to sell your products and services to the federal government at a training seminar to be held on Wednesday, May 25th at the Pewaukee Campus. The training session will be conducted by the Business Procurement Assistance Center (BPAC) of Madison College.
“Getting Started in Federal Contracting” will be held in the morning from 9:00- 11:30 pm on May 25th. This entry-level seminar provides a solid orientation to the federal contracting environment for those new to the market. Attendees will learn how to register with the federal government, identify which agencies buy your products and/or services and how to locate agency websites for marketing opportunities. The fee for this seminar is $35.00 per person.
The training session will be held at: WCTC – Pewaukee Campus. Registration is required; visit the web at for online registration and additional information. Interested parties may also contact the Business Procurement Assistance Center at (608) 243-4490 or by e-mail at
BPAC, established in 1988, provides technical and marketing assistance to Wisconsin businesses that want to sell their products and services to the government.