For more information, contact:
Cheryl Van Tessier, Finesse Public Relations LLC
(608) 467-4408,
Rebecca Gerothanas, Summit Credit Union
(608) 243-5000×4700,
MADISON, Wis. — Summit Credit Union employees Amy Harman and Stacy Wallom are celebrating 25 years of service with the Madison-based financial.
* Amy Harman came to the Credit Union (formerly known as CUNA Credit Union) in 1985 as a part-time teller. After working her way up to lead teller, she was promoted to share draft processer in 1988, and shortly thereafter, to administrative accountant. She has held her current position as card support accountant at Summit Credit Union’s American Parkway location since 2008. A Waunakee resident, Amy is a graduate of Sauk Prairie High School and attended Madison Area Technical College.
* Stacy Wallom joined the financial (formerly known as CUNA Credit Union) in 1985 as a teller via a DECA program through LaFollette High School. She has held myriad positions at several of Summit’s branches, including branch supervisor at the Thierer Rd. location in Madison, before joining the Operations Support department in 2006 as deposit products specialist at the Sun Prairie branch.
Established in 1935, Summit Credit Union is a member-owned financial cooperative open to anyone in Wisconsin. Summit holds $1.5 billion in assets and has more than 118,000 members with a total of 24 locations throughout the Madison and Milwaukee areas. For more information, visit or call (608) 243-5000 or (800) 236-5560.