Contact: Anne Katz, Executive Director, Arts Wisconsin
608 255 8316 |
Arts Wisconsin, Wisconsin’s voice for the arts and the premier statewide organization promoting, assisting, and speaking up for the arts, arts education, cultural tourism and creative economy throughout Wisconsin, has joined the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin (TFW). The Tourism Federation of Wisconsin is the primary lobbying coalition of trade and promotional associations and organizations actively involved in Wisconsin’s tourism industry, known for its legislative work at the State Capitol and its collaboration on issues vital to the health of Wisconsin’s tourism economy.
In addition to Arts Wisconsin, organizational members of TFW include American Automobile Association Wisconsin, Association of Wisconsin Tourism Attractions, Golf Course Owners of Wisconsin, Outdoor Advertising Association of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Association of Campground Owners, Wisconsin Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus, Wisconsin Bed & Breakfast Association, Wisconsin Dells Visitors and Convention Bureau, Wisconsin Innkeepers Association, Wisconsin Restaurant Association, and Wisconsin Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association.
“The Tourism Federation of Wisconsin is proud to announce the addition of Arts Wisconsin to our membership,” says Ed Lump, President of the Tourism Federation and President/CEO of the Wisconsin Restaurant Association. “Arts and culture are important components of tourism in every Wisconsin community. They add immense value to the travel experience. Travel Wisconsin has a large constituency, and the addition of the arts perspective through Arts Wisconsin will add a great deal to our grassroots advocacy.”
“Arts and cultural tourism is one of the fastest-growing segments of the national and state tourism industry. Arts Wisconsin is pleased to represent and promote the arts as an important component of Wisconsin’s vital and vibrant tourism industry,” says Peter Crawford, President of Arts Wisconsin. “Joining the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin provides Arts Wisconsin and the state’s arts sector with great connections and resources to boost and enhance the arts, cultural tourism and Wisconsin’s tourism sector overall.”
For more information on Arts Wisconsin, go to For more information on the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin, go to