Campaigns to Stop Liability Expansion, ECFA Honored
Madison, Wis. (Oct. 15, 2009) –– Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) Thursday won two awards for issue campaigns from the Madison chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). ( Click here to view PDF version of Madison PRSA Release )
“WMC ran text-book grassroots issue campaigns on behalf of the business community,” said Eric Nelson, Madison PRSA president. “WMC effectively delivered the business message to stop joint and several liability and to mobilize the business community to oppose the Employee Free Choice Act.”
On Thursday, the Madison PRSA awarded WMC the Alchemy Awards for the group’s campaigns to stop joint-and-several liability and EFCA. The awards were decided by an independent panel of accredited public relations executives in New Mexico. Madison PRSA awarded nine awards of excellence and a best of show award.
In February, the governor proposed allowing parties who are as little as 1 percent at fault to pay for 100 percent of a claim.
WMC participated in broad coalitions to defeat the measure, and mounted a comprehensive media and grassroots advocacy campaign that included 4,000 petitions from top executives delivered to the Capitol. The liability expansion was dropped from the state budget as Democrat and Republican lawmakers opposed the plan.
“It was an excellent campaign,” said Barb Hernandez, Alchemy Awards chairman. “WMC did a fantastic job advocating on behalf of its members. The judges were very impressed with the strategy and execution of both campaigns.”
WMC won a second Alchemy Award for its issue campaign to oppose the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) in the U.S. Congress. WMC ran television, radio and newspaper ads opposing the measure that would allow the elimination of secret ballots in union organizing drives, impose federal arbitrators into first-contract negotiations, and increase penalties for employers. WMC’s ad campaign was used as a model in other states around the country.
WMC mobilized over 1,200 business executives to sign petitions opposing EFCA, which are being delivered to the Wisconsin Congressional delegation this week.
“It’s an honor to win these two Alchemy Awards,” said James A. Buchen, WMC vice president of government relations. “Grassroots advocacy is central to a well-functioning democracy and can make a difference because elected officials listen to their constituents.’”
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About the Public Relations Society of America (
The Public Relations Society of America, headquartered in New York City, is the world’s largest organization for public relations professionals with nearly 32,000 professional and student members. PRSA is organized into 109 Chapters nationwide and 20 Professional Interest Sections and Affinity Groups, which represent business and industry, counseling firms, independent practitioners, military, government, associations, hospitals, schools, professional services firms and nonprofit organizations. The PRSA-Madison Chapter has served the area’s public relations professionals since 1970.