Learn the necessary steps to take your business from the idea phase to the market from Robert Young, founder and president of Paradigm Sensors, at the Thursday, May 21 meeting of the Wisconsin Innovation Network Northeast Chapter.
The event will be held at the D J Bordini Center, 5 Systems Drive, near the Fox Valley Technical College campus in Appleton. Registration and networking begin at 4:45 p.m. The cost is $5 for WIN members, $10 for non-members and included with WIN corporate memberships. To register go to: http://www.wisconsintechnologycouncil.com/Events/win/index.aspx?ID=696.
Young has positioned Paradigm Sensors LLC, a Milwaukee-based, early stage company, to take advantage of the $5 billion market in the alternative fuel industry by using technology developed at Marquette University. Hear how he took their first proprietary, IS (Impedance Spectroscopy) handheld analyzer, which tests the quality and blend percent of biodiesel, from the lab to the marketplace.
A proven entrepreneur, Young has held many senior level management positions within the medical and technology industries. He will share insights from his past experiences in start-up companies, which allowed him to quickly guide the transfer of technology from Marquette to Paradigm Sensors.
WIN is the membership subsidiary of the Wisconsin Technology Council, the independent, non-profit science and tech policy advisers to the governor and the Legislature. To join WIN, go to http://www.wisconsintechnologycouncil.com or contact Liz Schrum at 608-442-7557, ext. 27 or lschrum@wisconsintechnologycouncil.com.