Contacts: Carla Vigue, Office of the Governor, 608-261-2162
Tony Hozeny, Department of Commerce, 608-267-9661
MADISON – Governor Jim Doyle today announced that he will lead a trade mission to Japan and China from September 13-22, 2009. The trade mission will provide participants with opportunities to meet with distributors, potential customers, and key business and government officials. The Governor will also promote investment by Japanese and Chinese companies in Wisconsin.
“Japan and China are among Wisconsin’s most important export markets,” Governor Doyle said. “By joining the mission, businesses can gain firsthand knowledge of these markets and develop sound export strategies.”
Governor Doyle will attend the 41st Annual Joint Meetings of the Midwest U.S.-Japan and Japan-Midwest U.S. Associations in Tokyo, Japan, September 13-15. This venue has proved to be a valuable source of business contacts for Wisconsin firms. In 2008, Japan ranked as Wisconsin’s fifth-largest customer, with exports totaling $724.4 million, a 10.6 percent increase over 2007.
The Governor will lead the mission to Harbin, Beijing and Shanghai, China, from September 15-22. China has weathered the international recession quite well and is predicting economic growth of 8 percent in 2009, thanks in part to the Chinese government’s stimulus plan, which targets infrastructure projects coupled with a push for banks to increase lending and dramatic tax breaks for businesses. China is Wisconsin’s third-largest customer, with exports totaling $1.2 billion, a 4.4 percent increase over 2007.
Businesses interested in learning more about the Wisconsin Mission to Japan and China can contact the following Commerce officials:
* Jennifer Winner, 608-266-0413,;
* Christine Stamm, 608-264-7824,; or
* Beng Yeap, 608-266-1480,