Media Contact:
Ingrid Kelley
Focus on Energy
(608) 238-8276 x136
– Biomass energy crops, forest resources, climate change and carbon sequestration are the primary subjects of this year’s research –
Madison, Wis. (January 27, 2009) – Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy Environmental and Economic Research and Development (EERD) Program, part of Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy initiative, announced the allocation of grants totaling $885,658. The 14 research projects will help assess impacts of electricity and natural gas use on Wisconsin’s environment and economy. These projects were selected for funding in the 2009 calendar year from proposals submitted in November of 2008.
Grant recipients were chosen by the Environmental Research Forum, a 10 member group chaired by Ken Rineer of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. Other forum members represent the Department of Commerce, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, the Governor’s Office of Energy Independence, the USDA Forest Products Laboratory, the University of Wisconsin, Clean Wisconsin, WE Energies and Alliant Energy.
The Forum is charged with identifying critical research gaps regarding the environmental and economic impacts of energy use in Wisconsin and recommending funding for new projects to help rectify the issues.
The following projects have been approved for funding in 2009:
1. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)
Contact: Carol Barford
(608) 262-9334
Award: $148,913 (total funding over two years)
Research Topic: Wisconsin Farm Biomass Production and the Emerging Carbon Economy
2. Natural Resources Consulting, Inc., Cottage Grove, Wis.
Contact: Brian Bub
(608) 839-2037
Award: $26,827 (one year project)
Research Topic: Evaluating Nocturnal Bird and Bat Migration in the Upper Mississippi River Valley and Its Implications for Siting Wind Energy Facilities: A Workshop Series for Resource Agencies and Wind Developers
3. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
Contact: Mathew Dornbush
(920) 465-2264
Award: $164,853 (total funding over two and a half years)
Research Topic: Maximizing Ecological Services and Economic Returns by Targeted Establishment of Biomass Yielding Grasslands in Wisconsin
4. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, UW Extension Center for Land Use Education
Contact: Anna Haines
(715) 346-2386
Award: $54,491 (total funding over one and a half years)
Research Topic: Land Use and Ecological Consequences of a Wood Gasification Energy Facility at UW-Stevens Point: A Spatial Analysis with Statewide Consequences
5. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
Contact: John Katers
(920) 465-2278
Award: $47,914 (one year project)
Research Topic: Life Cycle Analysis of Pellet Fuels
6. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Science Services
Contact: Ed Nelson
(608) 266-8910
Award: $44,486 (one year project)
Research Topic: Farmer’s Willingness to Adopt Practices and Participate in Programs to Sequester Carbon
7. Sustainable Resources Institute, Inc., Florence, Wis.
Contact: Donald Peterson
(877) 284-3882
Award: $95,550 (total funding over two years)
Research Topic: Renewable Fuel Availability, Extraction and Usage Potential Impacts
8. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Contact: Mark Rickenbach
(608) 262-0134
Award: $76,940 (total funding over one and a half years)
Research Topic: Carbon Sequestration on Private Forests: Understanding the Silent Majority
9. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Air Management
Contact: Bruce Rodger
(608) 266-1722
Award: $58,109 (ongoing air quality monitoring for 2009)
Research Topic: Wisconsin NADP National Trends Network
10. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Air Management
Contact: Bruce Rodger
(608) 266-1722
Award: $90,857 (ongoing mercury monitoring for 2009)
Research Topic: Wisconsin Mercury Deposition Network
11. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Science Services
Contact: David Sample
(608) 221-6351
Award: $186,643 (total funding over three years)
Research Topic: An Ecosystem Management Approach to Biomass Production in Southern Wisconsin
12. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Science Services
Contact: Carl Watras
(715) 356-9494
Award: $139,969 (total funding over two years)
Research Topic: Impacts of Climate Change on Fluxes of Carbon and Water in Northern Wisconsin Lakes and Wetlands
13. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Climatic Research
Contact: John Williams
(608) 265-5537
Award: $192,046 (total funding over two years)
Research Topic: Identifying Climate Analogs and Potential Shifts in Forest Composition and Extent for Southern Wisconsin Under 21st Century Climate Change Scenarios
14. United States Forest Service, Northern Research Station
Contact: Ronald Zalesny
(715) 362-1132
Award: $169,020 (total funding over two and a half years)
Research Topic: Land Use, Soil Health, and Water Quality Changes with Woody Energy Crop Production in Wisconsin and Minnesota
About Focus on Energy
Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Focus information, resources and financial incentives help to implement projects that otherwise would not be completed, or to complete projects sooner than scheduled. Its efforts help Wisconsin residents and businesses manage rising energy costs, promote in-state economic development, protect our environment and control the state’s growing demand for electricity and natural gas. For more information call (800) 762-7077 or visit