Contact: Tony Hozeny, Department of Commerce, 608/267-9661
MADISON– Governor Jim Doyle today announced that Mil Port, LLC will receive a $615,000 Blight Elimination and Brownfield Redevelopment (BEBR) grant from the Department of Commerce (Commerce) to help redevelop an unoccupied and underutilized property in the City of Oak Creek, Milwaukee County.
“Brownfield grants are an excellent tool to help revitalize areas that may be contaminated, creating opportunities for future construction projects and job growth,” Governor Doyle said. “I am pleased we could partner with Mil Port in its efforts to reclaim environmentally damaged land for the construction of a new hotel complex.”
Mil Port, LLC plans to develop a 120-room hotel at 6440 South 13th Street in Oak Creek, near General Mitchell International Airport. The BEBR funds will be used to remediate impacted soil and construct contaminant-blocking engineered barriers. The total project investment is expected to reach $17,409,130.
Commerce’s BEBR Program provides grant funds to municipalities, local development corporations, and the private sector to support assessment, remediation and return of contaminated lands to productive use. Brownfields are abandoned, idle, or underused industrial or commercial properties where redevelopment is hindered by real or perceived contamination.
For more information about the BEBR Program, contact Al Rabin, Commerce, at 608/267-8926.