By Brian E. Clark
SUN PRAIRIE – The state’s Global Warming Task Force today overwhelmingly endorsed a list of recommendations that would significantly reduce the state’s carbon dioxide (C02) emissions.
With three dissents, the 30-plus member group sent the report on to the Public Service Commission for review. It will then go to the governor, who may put some of the suggestions into effect through executive orders.
He is expected to send the rest of the recommendations to the Legislature in a climate change package.
Hans Noeldner, an activist and member of the Madison Peak Oil Group, told the panel he supports the proposals but is worried the report may gather dust on a shelf.
“I’m concerned that people may look at what has been done and say we are taking care of things,” he said. “We need to do more.
“It’s too bad that it takes gas reaching $4 a gallon to get us to conserve,” said Noeldner, who rode his bike 25 miles from Oregon to Sun Prairie to attend the meeting.
“People should be more concerned about what our excessive use of energy is doing to the environment and our climate.”
But Tia Nelson, a co-chair of the task force, said she does not believe the group’s efforts will be ignored.
“We have a strong committment from the governor to move forward on this,” she said. “He has endorsed this project and has said he will push forward because its the right thing to do for our state and the environment.”
And she noted that the PSC has already made some administrative changes to encourage utilities to reduce energy use.
Not everyone was pleased with the recommendations, however. John Pearce, controller of the GM plant in Janesville, cast his vote against it because it contains a plan for the state to adopt strict vehicle emission reductions recently enacted by California.
He said the are more agressive than federal rules and that most manufacturers believe the costs would be too high.
See final draft of the task force report:
See PSC release:
WISBUSINESS LUNCHEON: Global Warming Task Force Co-Chairs
Tuesday, August 12, 11:45 am, The Madison Club, The Madison Club and Madison Magazine present “The Madison Business Luncheon” on Tuesday, August 12, with featured guests Global Warming Task force Chairs Roy Thilly of the Wisconsin Public Power and Tia Nelson of the Board of Public Land Commissioners.
Learn more about the Global Warming Task Force:
Sponsored by Xcel Energy.
This event is open to the public, and the price for lunch is $19. Call the Madison Club to register at (608) 255-4861. The luncheon starts at 11:45 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m.