By Amanda Ciesielczyk
MADISON – Better Environmental Solutions of Madison and Eco Hatchery of Milwaukee have teamed up to introduce an eco-friendly kit billed as the perfect gift basket for the eco-minded consumer this holiday season.
“Eco-friendly is demonstrating practical solutions that protect our health, air, water and land,” said Brett Hulsey, president of Better Environmental Solutions. “The goal is to give people practical ways to save energy and money to address the larger challenge of extreme climate change.”
The Eco Starter Kit consists of an array of energy saving tools: energy monitor, eco-lighting replacement tool, home tap water quality test and conservation tools, home insulation products, reusable shopping bag, recycled coffee filters, reusable filtered water-bottle, natural soy candle, A-Z recycling resources directory, energy-efficient compact florescent light bulb, refrigerator thermometer and coil brush and access to an online eco-roadmap with personalized recommendations.
“Many people are concerned about the environment but haven’t taken action. The Eco Starter Kit is the perfect gift for anyone who wants to go green but doesn’t know where to start,” said president of Eco Hatchery, Adam Borut, adding that the kit ($97.50) may be shipped directly to friends and family with a gift message.
These energy-saving products help a typical U.S. homeowner save $260 annually and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2.5 tons. This is equivalent to eliminating 5,500 pounds of garbage from landfills or reducing greenhouse gas emissions by replacing a mid-size car with a hybrid.
Through the Eco Hatchery website consumers can utilize a free carbon calculator for determining the carbon footprint of individuals and groups.
“The ability to calculate and track the carbon footprint of an entire company, association, college, or neighborhood is invaluable,” said Borut. “As participants use the products in the kit, they can see how their individual actions have a positive impact.”
“If every home in Wisconsin used one of these, we could save over $572 million in utility bills and cut emissions by 5.5 million tons in the first year alone,” said Hulsey.
Husley says Better Environmental Solutions is eager to expand ideas of developing practical solutions to extreme climate change, “like more energy efficiency, more renewable energy-biomass and wind-and reducing carbon fuel content in transportation fuels.
“Companies and universities clearly are a terrific channels for getting the message out and taking on the role as environmental leaders in our community,” said Borut. “Many organizations that are committed to reducing their environmental impact already are re-thinking the impact of their operations and looking at new ways to reduce waste and pollution.”
“Families can buy the Eco Starter Kit for a holiday gift, use more efficient lighting, and reduce the number of power strips and unneeded electrical usage,” said Husley. “Taking the bus, carpool, bike or work to school, turn off the lights and computers when you are not using them, recycling are also all good places to start.”