UW-Stevens Point: Veterans a growing presence at UW-Stevens Point

University Relations and Communications, 715-346-3046

More and more Wisconsin veterans are taking advantage of higher education at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP), according to Ed Lee, associate registrar.

Currently UWSP serves and finances 176 students receiving Wisconsin’s GI Bill free tuition for standard campus-bound academic programs. Of those 176 students, 136 are veterans, and 32 children and eight spouses of disabled veterans. This past fall UWSP supported veterans by providing a tuition remission of $450,000 for the semester. For this current academic year, this total will rise to near $1 million.

In addition to the 176 veterans and their relations receiving GI Bill tuition benefits, UWSP has 42 reservists, 13 disabled veterans receiving federal support, and 17 additional children or spouses of disabled veterans. The campus has a total of 231 veteran-related student enrollees receiving either state or federal veteran’s benefits.

UWSP’s Registration and Records Office has staff dedicated to veteran’s certification and with helping veterans and/or their family members successfully transition into campus life and its academic rigors.