MADISON – The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) will hold public hearings on Tuesday, June 17 in Green Bay on Wisconsin Public Service Corporation’s (WPSC) request to adjust its electric rates by 2.27 percent due to the increasing cost of natural gas.
In January 2008, the Commission set 2008 electric rates for WPSC customers. In March, WPSC received a 3.16 percent increase, subject to refund, to cover high fuel costs as a result of increasing natural gas prices. The utility is now asking for an additional electric rate increase to cover the increase in natural gas prices since March.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
3:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m.
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Center for Business & Industry
Room CB 213-B
2740 West Mason St.
Green Bay, Wisconsin
If you cannot attend the public hearings, but would like to provide comments, you can do so on the PSC’s website at through June 17. Click on the Public Comments button on the PSC’s homepage and click on the case title. The hearing locations are accessible to people in wheelchairs. Any person who needs additional accommodations to participate should contact Docket Coordinator, Randy Hillebrand, at 608-267-1473.
Documents associated with WPSC’s application can be viewed on the PSC’s Electronic Regulatory Filing System at Type case numbers 6690-FR-101 in the boxes provided on the PSC homepage, or click on the Electronic Regulatory Filing System button.