MADISON – In a verbal decision today, the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) approved American Transmission Company’s (ATC) request to construct a new substation, and six miles of 138-kilovolt transmission line in Dane County to meet increasing electric demands of commercial, industrial and residential customers. The route approved for the transmission line will run primarily along Adams Road and Highway M, connecting an existing substation near the intersection of Highways M and PB in Verona to a new substation to be constructed near the intersection of Fish Hatchery Road and Irish Lane in Fitchburg. Sixty five percent of the approved route is along an existing electric facility corridor, with one mile of the six mile route running along Fish Hatchery Road. “Due to tremendously successful economic development and population growth in the cities of Fitchburg and Verona, the time for this project is now,” said Chairperson Dan Ebert. “This has been a long, exhaustive and thorough process with an extraordinary amount of public involvement. By moving this project forward, southern Dane County will avoid what would be very serious public safety and reliability issues as soon as this year.” “I applaud the collaborative efforts of all parties of this case,” said Commissioner Mark Meyer. “I believe that everyone involved agrees there has been tremendous growth in this area, requiring action by the Commission to meet the increased energy demands. The Commission would have been doing a disservice to energy customers and putting the public’s safety at risk if this project was not approved today.” “With every electric facility citing decision the Commission makes, we must balance who will bear the burden for the greater society,” said Commissioner Lauren Azar. “Today’s decision was very difficult when you consider the individuals affected by it, however the Commission is charged with making cost-efficient decisions to meet the needs of all energy customers in Wisconsin.” Documents associated with ATC’s applications can be viewed on our Electronic Regulatory Filing System at Enter case number 137-CE-146 in the boxes provided on the PSC homepage, or click on the Electronic Regulatory Filing System button.