MADISON – The Wisconsin Union at the University of Wisconsin-Madison announces a “mini conference” to formally kick off the start the Wisconsin Union Initiative, the project to build a new “green” south campus union and restore and upgrade Memorial Union.

Students, faculty, staff, Union members and the community are invited to attend the free event.

The conference will be held from 2-9:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 25, at Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St. (check Today in the Union for rooms).

The conference will begin with a project overview featuring members of the architecture team that was selected in December after a national search. At 3 and 7 p.m. there will be opportunities for the audience to voice their opinions in breakout sessions on various topics including services, programming, design, Hoofers, food, outdoor spaces and much more as well as sign up to help in the process or to receive regular reports.

For a full schedule and background information on the project, visit

There will also are several workshops planned throughout the spring semester to obtain input from various constituents and stakeholders in these and other aspects.

The conference will also feature two related presentations: “Winter Cities and Active, Vibrant Outdoor Spaces” by Jay Walljasper, senior fellow with the Project for Public Spaces and editor of Ode magazine; and “Back to the Future” by Garry Golden, a professionally trained futurist who will discuss the possibility of combining future trends with the Wisconsin Idea to design and build the best possible new Union.

For questions or comments about the project, e-mail