CHARLOTTE, N.C.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Premier Purchasing Partners, LP, today announced new agreements for surgical automatic tourniquet systems and accessories have been awarded to Frontier Medical Products of Pt. Washington, Wisc., and Zimmer, Inc. of Warsaw, Ind.
The agreements, effective November 1, 2007, are available to acute care and continuum of care members of the Premier alliance.
About Premier Inc., 2006 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipient
Serving 1,700 U.S. hospitals and more than 49,000 other healthcare sites, the Premier healthcare alliance and its members are transforming healthcare together. Owned by not-for-profit hospitals, Premier operates one of the leading healthcare purchasing networks and the nation’s most comprehensive repository of hospital clinical and financial information. A subsidiary operates one of the nation’s largest policy-holder owned, hospital professional liability risk-retention groups. A world leader in helping healthcare providers deliver dramatic improvements in care, Premier is working with the United Kingdom’s National Health Service North West and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to improve hospital performance. Headquartered in San Diego, Premier has offices in Charlotte, N.C., Philadelphia, and Washington. For more information, visit