MADISON – A new door is opening for students seeking entrance to the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering.

The College of Engineering and Madison Area Technical College (MATC) will sign an agreement this afternoon (July 21) that will guarantee qualified MATC students admission to UW-Madison engineering programs.

“Engineering is essential to our health, happiness and safety,” says College of Engineering Dean Paul Peercy. “In every region of Wisconsin, business leaders will tell you they need more engineers. We are committed to increasing the number of UW-Madison engineering graduates. This transfer agreement with MATC shows high school students and others a straightforward path to an engineering degree.”

The UW System has approved a $60,000 grant for the engineering transfer program. The grant will be shared by the College of Engineering and MATC and will fund faculty development, advising and tutoring.

“This engineering transfer agreement is another example of our wonderful partnership with UW-Madison,” MATC President Bettsey Barhorst says. “MATC will be the largest feeder of transfer students to the College of Engineering.”

Today’s agreement, which will be signed at 2 p.m. at the Engineering Centers Building, 1550 Engineering Drive, will clarify what MATC students must do in their first two years to transfer to the College of Engineering.

Currently, between 12-15 percent of transfer students to UW-Madison come from MATC annually. The two schools have a liberal arts guaranteed transfer contract, and a Connections Program agreement. Connections is a dual admission program, where students complete two years at MATC before transferring to UW-Madison.