Gov. Jim Doyle’s administration couldn’t convince the Joint Finance Committee to embrace his biofuels initiative. But the administration is hoping Senate Dems will find a way to resurrect it.
Doyle last week called on Republicans to support his $30 million plan for renewable energy. Republicans have criticized the plan because it would pay for it using money out of the state’s recycling program.
But Commerce Secretary Mary Burke says the money is key to nurturing an industry that could have a huge presence in the state.
In a interview, Burke says the Doyle administration is “absolutely” lobbying Senate Dems to restore the provision to their version of the budget. “I think that it is the largest, most exciting opportunity that this state has seen in decades in terms of economic growth,” Burke says. “And for those people who complain that our economy isn’t growing fast enough, our tax base isn’t big enough, well this is the answer, and this is where we need to spend some money.”
Burke spoke recently with WisPolitics Editor JR Ross about the biofuels plan, opportunities to diversity northern Wisconsin’s economy and other topics.
Listen to the interview: