MADISON – Common, contract, and private truckers interested in reducing emissions can apply for funding at the State of Wisconsin Department of Commerce (Commerce).
“These funds will help truckers reduce air pollution in the communities they serve,” Said Commerce Secretary Mary P. Burke.
The grant will be used to upgrade up to 25 trucks with diesel exhaust retrofit technologies. The installation of exhaust after-treatment technologies such as particulate filters, oxidation catalysts, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), selective catalytic reduction (SCR) devices, and NOx catalysts can reduce emissions of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
The Wisconsin Department of Commerce has received a $50,000 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a project to cut emissions from heavy-duty diesel trucks that operate in Wisconsin. The grant is part of Region 5’s Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative (MCDI), a collaboration of federal, state and local agencies, along with communities, non-profit organizations and private companies working together to reduce emissions from diesel engines in the Midwest. MCDI estimates there are more than 3 million engines in the Midwest that would benefit from new pollution-reduction technology.
More information on MCDI visit
Applications for upgrades will be made available at the Department of Commerce web site,, and will be accepted on March 23rd. For further information, contact Tom Coogan at 608-267-9214 or