Contact: Theresa Islo
Associate Director
Wellness Council of Wisconsin
(414) 291-9355
(Milwaukee, WI)—Corporate wellness programs are gaining momentum in
Wisconsin, according to a 2005 survey conducted by the Wellness
Councils of America and its local affiliate, the Wellness Council of
Wisconsin, headquartered in Milwaukee. Of the 121 Wisconsin employers
that responded, 66 percent indicated that their wellness programs are
gaining momentum, up from 51% in 2004. The top three motivating factors
for offering wellness programs are health care costs (83%), employee
health (78%), and employee morale (38%), according to survey results.
Wellness programs are also becoming more sophisticated. Sixty-six (66%)
of respondents reported offering their employees a health risk
appraisal in the last 12 months, up from 52% in 2004. Sixty-three (63%)
reported attempting to link wellness to their benefit plans in 2005
compared to 57% in 2004.
Health topics most often addressed in 2005 included exercise/fitness
(85%), stress management (75%), weight management (73%), and nutrition
education (73%). Tobacco cessation was addressed by 58% of
The Wellness Council is the Wisconsin affiliate of Wellness Councils of
America, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to building
healthier workplaces throughout the U.S. and Canada. Wisconsin
membership includes over 260 employers statewide. For more information
on programs and services or to contact the Wellness Council, go