Contact: Timm Johnson, 608-224-4653
MADISON–Crop and livestock producers, crop consultants, agronomists and other agricultural professionals are invited to attend one of two upcoming conferences on nutrient management.
Nutrient Management By the Numbers is a chance to look at different aspects of nutrient management. Attendees will learn about the regulations behind nutrient management, what research shows, and finally hear from producers about their on-farm experiences with nutrient management planning.
The conferences are February 22 in Kimberly and February 23 in Eau Claire and are offered by the Wisconsin Agricultural Stewardship Initiative. WASI is a statewide program that brings together producers, producer organizations, state and federal agencies, and the University of Wisconsin System to address agricultural and environmental issues with applied research and demonstration projects.
“Wisconsin farmers are facing increasing fertilizer prices so the challenge is to find more efficient uses of on-farm nutrients like manure and legumes,” explained Timm Johnson, WASI executive director.
New federal regulations and changes in state rules will require Wisconsin farms to follow a plan to best manage their on-farm nutrients like manure and purchased fertilizer. Where to put manure and fertilizer, how much to use and what crops to grow must all be coordinated based on the needs of the crops and the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus that are already present in the soil to ensure that excess nutrients aren’t applied.
“Most producers don’t realize that they have options when preparing their own farm’s nutrient management in order to meet the new rules,” Johnson explained. “This conference will address those options like adjusting crop rotations and tillage practices. The solutions come from research on the Discovery Farms, the Pioneer Farm and participants will hear from other farmers who are doing this on their operations already,” Johnson said.
Speakers include Andy Diercks, WASI Chair; Sue Porter, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection; Pat Murphy, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service; Larry Bundy, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Kevan Klingberg, Discovery Farms; Chris Baxter, Pioneer Farm; Tom Cox, UW-Madison; Mark Powell, USDA Forage Research; Rick Klemme, UW-Madison/College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; land and water conservation staff, agronomists and farmer.
The conferences will be held on Wed., Feb. 22 at Liberty Hall in Kimberly and on Thurs., Feb. 23 at the Chippewa Valley Technical College in Eau Claire. The conferences begin at 9 a.m. and adjourn at 3:30 p.m. The registration fee is $50.00 before Feb. 10 and $65.00 after Feb. 10 including the day of the conference. The registration fee includes refreshment breaks, lunch and conference materials. Registration forms are available on the Discovery Farm Web site at then select ‘What’s New’ or contact Judy Goplin, Discovery Farms, (715) 983-5668.