Karl Robe
(414) 274-3008
MILWAUKEE—October 3, 2006—Scheibel Halaska announced that Mike Stefaniak, partner and vice president of client services, has been named to the Business Marketing Association’s national board of directors.
“A strong and vital component of BMA as we move forward will be the new appointed vice presidents, who will provide perspective on the many individual components that encompass the full spectrum of B-to-B marketing,” explained John Favalo, CBC, chairman of BMA. “These positions are the result of a nearly year-long effort to create a board that is aligned with BMA’s mission of increasing the importance, value and impact of B-to-B marketing in companies around the world.”
Stefaniak will represent the Milwaukee BMA chapter on the national board, which also includes executives from companies such as Kodak, Hewlett-Packard and GE. Stefaniak has been on the board of BMA-Milwaukee since 2003 and has been an officer on the BMA-Milwaukee board for two years. He currently serves as first vice president and will become president of the Milwaukee chapter in July, 2007.