Largest Solar Power Installation in Wisconsin to be Mounted at Leopold Legacy Center in Baraboo

Baraboo, WisconsinThe Aldo Leopold Foundation and general contractor Boldt Construction are quickly progressing on the construction of the Leopold Legacy Center near Baraboo, Wisconsin. The Center will be one of the most energy efficient buildings in the state of Wisconsin when complete in early 2007, and will also be among some of the most environmentally friendly buildings in the country. One of the main reasons the building will be so “green” has to do with an extensive photovoltaic array (a collection of solar panels) that will cover much of the main building’s roof surface, generating enough solar power to help give the building a “net zero” energy budget.


On Monday, August 21st, the Foundation is hosting an evening seminar on the basics of solar power, along with an open house at the building site to let visitors see the latest progress on construction. Presenters Andrew Bangert and Chris Collins of the H&H Group’s Solar Energy division will have examples of solar panels on hand, and will share details on the status of solar energy in general as well as the planned Legacy Center installation. The building was designed and is being constructed to fulfill the qualifications for a prestigious Platinum LEED  certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.  The LEED certification gives rankings in energy efficiency, and the Legacy Center should become the first platinum certified building in the state.


Founded in 1982 by Leopold’s children, the Aldo Leopold Foundation continues to manage the original Leopold Shack and farm, as well as serves as the executor of Leopold’s literary estate.  Programs in ecological management and environmental education are designed to increase our society’s awareness and appreciation for the land. The Foundation is nearing completion of their $7.75 million dollar Land Ethic Campaign (of which the Legacy Center is a major part) to improve land health across the country by expanding the influence of noted conservationist, Aldo Leopold. Leopold, an internationally celebrated 20th century professor, scientist, and conservationist was the author of the popular A Sand County Almanac with over 2 million copies in circulation in nine languages. 


For more information on the Aldo Leopold Foundation and the Land Ethic Campaign, go to or call (608) 355-0279.

Seminar details: Optional potluck supper begins at 6pm; seminar begins at 6:30pm. Meet at E13704 Levee Road in Baraboo, just across from the Legacy Center building site. For more information or directions, go to and click on Calendar of Events.