Contacts: Anne Lupardus, Office of the Governor, 608-261-2162
Also Signs Bill Allowing “Virtual Visitation,” Other Bills
Governor Jim Doyle today signed legislation to provide additional technical assistance to small and medium-sized manufacturers.
“Wisconsin manufacturers create the family-supporting jobs that make Wisconsin the envy of the nation,” said Governor Doyle. “These businesses along with so many others across the state are being squeezed by tremendous increases in the cost of health care and energy. This bill will provide manufacturers with additional technical assistance they need to compete and expand.”
Senate Bill183 provides up to $700,000 over the next two years for Wisconsin’s Manufacturing Extension Partnerships. Wisconsin’s two Manufacturing Extension Partnerships are nonprofit consulting firms that help small and medium-sized manufacturers implement lean manufacturing processes, implement new technologies and identify training needs to compete in the global economy. The funding will come from the Wisconsin Development Fund at the Department of Commerce. In his Grow Wisconsin 2005 Agenda, Governor Doyle called for increased funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnerships.
Governor Doyle thanked Senators Cathy Stepp and Julie Lassa, as well as Representatives Brett Davis and Robin Vos for their work on the bill.
Governor Doyle also today signed Senate Bill 244, the “Virtual Visitation Bill” which allows supervised electronic communication between a child and parent after a divorce or legal separation, if allowed by the court.
“Divorce and separation often takes an emotional toll on children,” Governor Doyle said. “This bill provides yet another way for families to spend time together, and is especially useful for parents whose contact with their kids is limited by location or other restrictions. I am pleased to sign it into law.”
Governor Doyle thanked Senators Cathy Stepp and Glenn Grothman, as well as Representatives Robin Vos and Bobby Gronemus for their work on the bill.
Governor Doyle also today signed the following bills:
Assembly Bill 65 evens the reporting requirements under campaign finance law by removing exceptions for nonresident registrants.
Governor Doyle thanked Representatives Steve Freese and John Ainsworth, as well as Senators Sheila Harsdorf and Jon Erpenbach for their work on the bill.
Assembly Bill 428 removes unenforceable sections of 2001 Wisconsin Act 109 regarding campaign finance law.
Governor Doyle thanked the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, including Representatives Steve Freese, Mark Gundrum, Jeff Wood, Robin Vos, Dave Travis, and Fred Kessler for their work on the bill.
Assembly Bill 429 removes an unenforceable section of 2001 Wisconsin Act 109 regarding campaign finance law.
Governor Doyle thanked the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, including Representatives Steve Freese, Mark Gundrum, Jeff Wood, Robin Vos, Dave Travis, and Fred Kessler for their work on the bill.
Assembly Bill 588, updates railroad regulations, modernizing chapters 189 to 192 and 195 of state law to make them consistent with federal law. The bill clarifies the relationship between the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads and the Department of Transportation by establishing new provisions related to railroad regulations.
Governor Doyle thanked Representatives John Townsend and John Ainsworth, as well as Senator Glenn Grothman and Luther Olsen for their work on this bill.
Assembly Bill 736 prohibits the use of drugs or alcohol by employees on public work projects, such as sewers or local roads. The bill also requires contractors who bid on public works projects to establish drug/alcohol testing program for their employees.
Governor Doyle thanked Representatives Jeff Stone and Josh Zepnick, as well as Senators Alberta Darling and Jeff Plale for their work on the bill.
Assembly Bill 750 increases the maximum penalty that can be imposed against someone who does plumbing work without a license. The bill also provides greater authority to the Department of Commerce to assess penalties against violators and allows the Department of Justice to bring legal action to collect unpaid fines and interest.
Governor Doyle thanked Representatives J.A. Hines and Sheldon Wasserman, as well as Senators Alberta Darling and Jeff Plale for their work on the bill.
Senate Bill 549 repeals an outdated law that reduced the class size entering the University of Wisconsin Medical School by 2.5 percent each academic year beginning in the 1984-85 academic year and ending in the 1987-88 academic year. The bill recognizes the increased demand for health care services occurring as Wisconsin’s population ages.
Governor Doyle thanked Senator Grothman and Representative Suder for their work on this bill.