Lesley Sillaman, Office of the County Executive (608) 267-8823 or cell (608)
Madison – Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk today announced $52,000 in BUILD
grants to four local municipalities for downtown revitalization plans. The funding, which
had been in jeopardy earlier this year due to federal budget cuts, comes as part of the
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and will be awarded to the
Village of Black Earth, the City of Stoughton, the Village of Cambridge and the Town of
Windsor. This week, Falk received a letter from the Department of Housing and Urban
Development informing her of the amount of CDBG funding the County will receive.
The Village of Black Earth will receive $9,000 to assist with implementation of the
Village’s downtown action plan. The City of Stoughton will receive $9,000 to prepare an
engineering study for pedestrian and bicycle improvements to the railroad corridor in
the downtown area. The Village of Cambridge will receive $10,000 to plan for
pedestrian and bicycle trail crossing improvements. The Town of Windsor will receive
$24,000 to prepare a redevelopment plan for the “village” of Morrisonville.
The county’s BUILD Committee reviews the applications and makes
recommendations to the County Board and the County Executive. Applicants must
meet the objectives of the BUILD program, including making better use of existing
infrastructure; locating community services, jobs and shopping in close proximity and
providing viable options to auto trips by supporting walking, biking, and transit.
BUILD, a program created by Falk in 1999, has given (including today’s awards)
more than 50 total grants at a total of approximately $822,000.