Contact: Joshua Morby (608) 343-4100
Legislation Will Grow Wisconsin Economy and Lower Gas Prices
Madison – The Wisconsin Ethanol Coalition today thanked both Assembly Republicans and Democrats for their hard work in passing AB15, legislation that calls for the use of 10 percent ethanol to be blended with low grade gasoline in Wisconsin.
“Not only will this legislation allow Wisconsin consumers to have a choice, it will help our economy by opening the door for the production of fuel right here in Wisconsin, reducing our dependency on foreign oil,” said Bill Oemichen, President & CEO of the Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives, a lead partner in the coalition.
“We’re encouraged by the action of the Assembly, and we look forward to the day Wisconsin enacts this legislation,” said Alex Samardzich of Ace Ethanol in Stanley, another lead partner in the coalition.
Governor Jim Doyle, a strong supporter of the ethanol industry in Wisconsin, has supported this legislation and has pledged to sign it into law once it reaches his desk.
The Wisconsin Ethanol Coalition is a diverse, statewide group of businesses, environmental groups and local organizations that have come together to further both public and legislative awareness of ethanol issues in Wisconsin.
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